Meet our team – Mark Chapman

The team at EazyStock comprises many specialisms, from marketing and sales to product development and customer success. In this ‘Meet the team’ series, we introduce you to our team members. Here, Mark Chapman talks us through his role as Customer Success Regional Lead. Mark has been with EazyStock for four and a half years, during which he has seen the team grow.

What does your role involve?

I’m the Customer Success Regional Lead for the UK and Ireland, the Middle East, and Africa. I am ultimately responsible for the onboarding, training, adoption, and ongoing happiness of all the customers within my region.

My team and I can be involved in the sales cycles but typically start from the customer’s first discovery session. We take them through their entire EazyStock process and focus on becoming a trusted part of their business.

We represent the customers’ needs internally, liaising with the XS and Products teams and looking out for opportunities to work with customers on joint Marketing opportunities like press releases and case studies.

Personally, I am also responsible for my team of CSMs, ensuring they are happy and enjoying their role and have all the ongoing training and development they need to support their customers effectively.

So, you interact with customers all the time?

I work with customers daily on anything from a first introduction or discovery call to a regularly scheduled “Value Review” with our ‘live’ customers. Wherever the customer is in their journey, it is important to map out the next steps of adding value to them using the EazyStock software.

Building long-term relationships with the users is one of my favourite parts of the role; helping them on their journeys and being a part of the improvements to their business is very rewarding.

What problem do you help customers solve?

As well as helping customers get set up and ready to use EazyStock, I help customers get the most benefit they can out of EazyStock. Everything we do, every area we are successful, stems from giving the customers the best out of the software.

Customers come to us with various problems; overstocking, stock outs, lack of categorisation, a need for automation, wanting to account for seasonality or poor-performing suppliers, and needing methods to account for supplier closures like Chinese New Year. The list goes on.

What do you love about working at EazyStock?

A favourite part of the job is how it’s constantly evolving and changing. When I joined, we had a very small team. To see the team grow, to see people come in and learn, contribute and develop, see what they can turn into, and their journey is really motivating. I love the human side of my role.

The best bit is to see where the customers are when they come in and then look back maybe two years down the line and see how much it has improved their business — looking at the friendships and relationships we’ve built. That’s kind of where you get your enjoyment from as a customer success regional lead.

What do you enjoy doing when you’re not working?

I retired from playing rugby last year after many years of playing and three years as captain of my local club. I have taken up golf in place of rugby which appears to cause significantly fewer injuries so far. Although I couldn’t stay away from the club and have been dragged back in as treasurer for the next two years.

I really enjoy going to watch sports, both at a professional and local level; in the last year, I have been to live football, rugby, golf, athletics, horseracing, ice hockey and basketball.
My wife and I enjoy long walks in the countryside and the mountains and have a very active social calendar.

We have been planning our honeymoon to Hawaii for a couple of years and have many other trips planned.

That all sounds very busy! What about when you’re having some downtime? What do you like to watch, read or listen to?

There are a few different genres of entertainment that I enjoy. My favourite film would be American Gangster, and keeping the theme going, my favourite TV show is The Sopranos.

If you’re looking for a good book, I recommend The People vs Tech by Jamie Bartlett.

As for listening, I subscribe to The Good, The Bad and The Rugby podcast, love Arctic Monkeys and Don’t Look Back in Anger by Oasis.

You can’t beat a Greek Gyros when it comes to food.

Do you have any pets?

I have two dogs that are advancing in age now, so we can’t walk them as much as we used to, but they still bring us so much joy. You might even see Daisy as a guest on some teams calls if you’re lucky.

We also have tropical fish, vampire crabs and whatever new pets the wife tries to bring home regularly. We are currently in negotiations over a pair of pygmy goats!

OK. I think pygmy goats are up there for the prize for most unusual pets! Finally, what three items would you take to a desert island?

Golf clubs (and balls), a bottle of Ron Zacapa Centenario and my dog Daisy.

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