Meet our team – John Severn

The team at EazyStock comprises many different specialisms, from marketing and sales to product development and customer success. In this ‘Meet the team’ series, we introduce you to our team members. In this feature, we hear from John Severn, who joined EazyStock as Product Marketing Manager in January 2022.

Hi John, can you tell us a bit about what your job involves?

There’s plenty of variety, which I love. Product marketing is about using my knowledge of our product, the market and our amazing customers to explain why EazyStock beats our competitors. Potential buyers and our internal teams need to know why, where and how EazyStock beats the rest of the pack, and it’s my job to make sure they have that information at their fingertips.

So, how do you interact with EazyStock’s customers?

I’m good at my role because I’m a troublemaker. Almost every day, I like to test when and where things can be improved and suggest how. Therefore, because I have very sensible bosses at EazyStock, they know it’s best if I’m only allowed near customers under very specific circumstances.

That said, I’m here in the background. I’ll have a hand in most content that talks about the product, and I’ll often directly interact with customers when it comes to getting feedback, user research or after our lovely customers contact me having left a review.

What problems do you help our customers solve?

Typically, choosing the right software can be a nightmare because there are so many factors for someone to consider. I try to make the decision easier for customers who need help choosing an inventory optimisation tool, e.g. finding a better way to forecast, optimise and order stock. The solution is simple: they need EazyStock. I offer a wealth of reasons as to why EazyStock is right for them.

What do you love about working at EazyStock?

Lots of things, but there are two big standouts. One, the people I work with are lovely, and they work hard for our customers. Two, the product is fantastic, and there are plans to make it even better. It would be impossible to do my job with a rubbish product.

What do you enjoy doing when you’re not causing trouble at EazyStock?

While I love my job, I’m suspicious of anyone who lives to work. There’s so much great stuff to be doing! I’ll always make time for some creative writing. I love live music, watching films or going to the theatre, going out for food with friends or taking long walks in the countryside. I’m also a huge fan of a quiet night in with a nerdy board game or fiddling around with synthesisers to make “music”.

As you’re someone who likes entertainment, what are your favourite…?

Ugh, it’s so difficult to pick. Here’s what I’ll say for now, but ask me again tomorrow:

Film: Moneyball
Book: Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel
Food: Sushi
Band: Pedro The Lion

Do you have any pets?

While I love dogs, it wouldn’t be fair to have one just now. Instead, I have a lovely little fusspot cat called Kesra. She’s tiny and not supposed to sit on the back of the sofa.

A cat curled up on the back of a sofa

Finally, what three items would you take to a desert island?

A huge encyclopaedia, an accordion, and a loaded flare gun.


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